It is your responsibility to ensure that the storage unit is suitable for the intended use.
This licence shall not create a tenancy, lease or similar arrangement.
It is your responsibility to ensure that we have your current contact details. If you change address or telephone numbers we must be informed immediately.
All payments are taken on 1st working day of the month via direct debit. If a payment fails our system will resubmit a payment request. You will be notified of payment requests via the email address provided to us above. If you do not supply an email address we will be unable to inform you of payment requests.
If payment is outstanding for more than 21 days, access to your storage unit will be restricted.
We will have a right of lien over the contents of your storage unit. This means that until payment is received in full we have a right to retain your property and restrict your access to it. After 30 days the contents of the storage unit may be removed and disposed of at the company’s discretion, any cost incurred maybe charged to the licensee.
You will be responsible for and agree to pay any costs incurred by us in collecting late or unpaid Licence Fees, or in enforcing this Licence in any way, including but not limited to postal, telephone, unit inventory, debt collection, personnel and/or default action costs and associated legal and professional fees.
The minimum storage period is 8 weeks. This rental period is required to be paid in full regardless of whether you use the storage unit for the full period of time. After this initial 8 weeks you may cease the rental of the storage unit at any time. You must inform us that you wish to cancel the agreement and rental of the storage space.
You are not permitted to store anything toxic, explosive or flammable and anything stolen or illegal.
You are not permitted to store any animals.
You are not permitted to store any item which emits any fumes, smell or odour.
You are not permitted to store any waste, such as used electrical equipment or vehicle tyres.
You must not use the unit for anything other than storage unless given written consent from ourselves.
You must not cause a nuisance to us or any other customer on site.
You can not use the storage unit as a residential or business address.
You can not use the storage unit as an office or as any form of accommodation.
You must not attach any thing to the internal or external surfaces of the unit or make any structural alterations to it.
Your property must be stored exclusively inside the designated storage unit. Nothing must be stored on top or around the unit.
You must not block any access road, stairway, communal area or passageway.
You must at all times be courteous to others and take reasonable care for Your own safety and that of others in using these areas.
You can not display any signs or distribute any promotional materials whilst on site.
Upon cancellation of the agreement and storage space you must ensure that all items are removed from the storage unit and leave the unit clean and tidy in the same condition as you received it at the beginning of the rental period. If we are required to dispose of any goods or if the unit requires cleaning these will be deducted from your deposit payment. If the cost exceed the deposit amount you will be charged in full.
Only you and persons authorised in writing or accompanied by you will be allowed to have access to the Unit.
We may ask for proof of identity from you or any other person at any time (although we are not obliged to do so) and we may refuse access to any person (including You) who is unable to provide satisfactory proof of identity.
We have the right to enter the storage unit at any time to conduct inspections relating to the condition of the storage unit and any equipment owned by the company.
All animals must be kept inside of vehicles whilst on site.
Children under 16 must be supervised at all times on site.
We reserve the right to relocate you to another unit, which shall not be smaller than the current Unit. If we do relocate you, we will ensure that you are given 14 days notice via email. You can elect to terminate your licence agreement with us without any penalties.
Any personal information you have submitted will be processed in accordance with all relevant Data Protection Acts and laws. We will use this data to process payments and contact you if necessary.
We will share your data with any law enforcement agencies should we be required to.